Project name

Graduation project


solas team


6 Months

The challenge: How can print owners contribute to a community of print enthusiast who don’t own a 3d printer through an app by connecting print owners with print enthusiasts without having them to buy a new printer.

In a world where 3D printers are all the rage, the big question is, "Are we using them wisely?" This project is all about finding the answers and unveiling the secrets of sustainable 3D printing. Imagine 3D printers as the latest must-have gadgets, but are we truly making the most of them? In this graduation project, the goal is to develop an app that not only makes 3D printing more sustainable but also keeps it fun and engaging. This journey takes us through various perspectives, from involving communities to discovering unexpected connections, like those with platforms such as Airbnb. Join us in this project and explore the issues we've uncovered, as we create a game-changing app, making sustainable 3D printing accessible and exciting for everyone, no matter their level of expertise.


"Imagine you're the owner of a 3D printer. How often does it really get a workout? For most folks, it's like that treadmill in the corner – occasionally fun to use, but mostly collecting dust. Now, if you're new to 3D printing, it's like being at a candy store for the first time. You want to taste everything but buying the whole store is a bit much. And if you're a seasoned pro, you know that sometimes your printer sits idle, but when you need it, you've got to pay for the whole deal. Not exactly ideal. Why rely on expensive companies every time you want to experiment with your ideas? 3D printing is all about exploration and innovation, and you're itching to find a way to do that without the fuss and costs."


The product Get is an app that connects print enthusiasts with local host around their neighborhood who are willing to share their 3D printer. The user can than pick any available date and see if the date matches with an host nearby. Based of the uploaded file the user gets an estimate of the duration and it’s price. The host gets the file trough-out their system and will charge based on the current expenses.Within the given time the user can pick their product up and no delivery is needed.


Fase 1


In this stage reseach to the target group has been done. What is the problem and ways to solve this.

Fase 2


Explore the market, see how others solved there problems.

Fase 3


Brainstorming ideas, sketcking and design.

Fase 4


Test the concept with the target-group.

Fase 5


Evaluate the findings of the prototype, what can be improved and what goes well.

Questions of this project

Who is the Target group?

The target group

The target group can be divided into two groups where:

The first group are comprised of passionate 3D printing enthusiasts. They own their 3D printers and actively engage in printing projects, ranging from daily to a few times a month. These individuals are avid learners, constantly seeking new knowledge to enhance their printing skills. Many of them actively participate in various online communities, particularly Facebook groups, where they share their latest projects, exchange innovative ideas, and offer support to fellow members facing printing challenges. A recent survey revealed that a substantial portion of this group is willing to assist individuals who do not own 3D printers with their printing projects

And the seccond group can described as:

individuals who do not own 3D printers, primarily due to various reasons. Some may print infrequently for personal use, find printer ownership too costly, or have environmental concerns. This group varies in their level of 3D printing experience; some are seasoned professionals like product designers and mechanical engineers working in the tech industry who occasionally require 3D printing for prototyping. Others are enthusiastic hobbyists looking to explore 3D printing but are relatively new to the technology. Currently, they often rely on 3D printing services, which can be expensive. This group seeks a more cost-effective alternative to experiment with 3D printing and bring their ideas to life

Understanding the current situation


In our pursuit of sustainable 3D printing, it's essential to understand the current dynamics of how products are utilized. The Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (n.d.) introduces the concept of the R-ladder, which illustrates the various levels of circulation a product undergoes. The higher a product stands on the R-ladder, the more efficiently it circulates within the economy and the environment. By focusing on this ladder, we can better comprehend and enhance the sustainability of 3D printing processes.


In our quest to prolong the circulation of products, it is imperative to consider how we can utilize them more efficiently. One sustainable approach to achieve this is through product sharing, a concept not unfamiliar to us. Numerous companies have embraced this idea, with Airbnb and Uber being the most prominent examples. They prioritize the sharing of housing and transportation resources, respectively, as a means of promoting sustainable investments, thus contributing to the prolonged circulation and responsible use of these products.

Current methods and tools that don’t work

  • Shapeways, while a versatile platform for designing 3D products with a wide array of materials, might not align with the primary needs of our users. What many users desire is a rapid and cost-efficient solution for receiving their 3D printed products. Shapeways may not always meet these criteria. Delivery times can be highly variable, ranging from as short as 2 business days to several weeks, depending on your geographical location. Additionally, Shapeways might not always offer the most economical pricing for our users

So what do we actually need?

should be to make users feel like they have a 3D printer right in their own home. To achieve this, focus on simplifying the entire 3D printing process, from hardware setup to software usability. Additionally, make 3D printable designs easily accessible through online platforms, ensure faster printing speeds, provide reliable materials, and even explore the possibility of on-demand 3D printing services. By emphasizing ease of use and quick results, you can make 3D printing an appealing and accessible technology for a wider audience.

  • Airbnb's user-friendly approach, especially in the way hosts effortlessly sign up and list their properties, is truly commendable. What makes this process stand out is the easy aproach for the user to book a place and the inclusion of clear and informative design, that highlight the importance of appearance and photos in shaping a favorable impression for potential customers. This meticulous step-by-step guidance perfectly resonates with the expectations of my target audience. My pledge is to deliver a comparably straightforward and trouble-free experience for our customers, with an unwavering focus on providing maximum convenience at every turn.
Understanding the reqruiments (MOSCOW)

So with the reseach came better understanding what we actually needed to build. In order to design and build the concept we needed to have it based on reqruiments of what the user needs. These reqruiments were based of interviews with potential users.

Most have's

  • The user must be able to find a local individual for 3D printing nearby.
  • The user must be able to select dates in a calendar to easily find any available date.
  • Both users and hosts should have the ability to communicate with each other for discussions and conversations.

should have

  • The user should be able to review the service of an individual and vise versa
  • The user should be able to go trough a wizard with quick and easy steps for the user to find and print there project
  • The host should be able to select their own service for the user to decide to use or not.
  • The user should be able to select an urgency to get the product faster for instance
  • The host and user should be able to make an appointment for when user can pick-up it’s project

Could have

  • The host could be able to design and/or help the user with their projects.
  • The host and user could be able to see the history of their projects.

Contact Me.

I will read all the emails. Just pop me a message and I'll get back to you.

I need your Name and Email address and I'll message back with my reply.

Send Me A Message


Oops, it does not send anything to me.

Try sending to my socials.